Monday, November 17, 2008
I'm now 22 and it has been fun, finding out we're having a girl and all the surprises. Dallas got me a cricut expression for scrapbooking and it is so much fun. He also took me to Leatherbys, an ice cream shoppe. It was so good! The best part is Dallas stayed home just for me!
We went to see Gina and David and of course everyone else. It was the first week of Oct., so we were there right before my bday. Gina did an ultra sound on me and we are having a girl! I'm excited, a little nervous, but of course happy. We want to name her Kelsea renae or Kelsea Marie. I love her already.
Another surprise is that Dallas' family surprised me with a party. It was so nice, definitely unexpected. They're great!
Another surprise is that Dallas' family surprised me with a party. It was so nice, definitely unexpected. They're great!
Our baby room!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Our baby!

We went to the doctor's yesterday and we got to see our baby! It was an amazing experience, just to hear the heartbeat! I can't wait til Sat when we can find out the sex, I can't wait any more. I can feel the baby move all the time now... very active. I love it. Dallas calls the baby our little monster. Lol.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Insurance troubles...
So, we thought we had a doctor lined up, not as easy as presumed. I went through a twenty minute interview and with each person I spoke to, I told them what insurance provider we would have in Nov. So, the nurse approved us and said we would be able to schedule the next day. We would be seeing the nurse until the last two visits and then we would be seeing the delivering doctor. They said it would be 445.00 + fees. Not fun. So, we agreed to that. Well I called the next day and tried to schedule an appointment. It was a different receptionist. We went through the same information again and she asked what provider we would have. As soon as I told her, she said I would have to find another doctor's office. I was so upset. She said that they used to deliver at the hospital our provider would allow, but now they deliver at a different hospital. Now we are looking for someone new, it is so frustrating. I was so set on finding out the sex of the baby. Now I have to wait some more. Hmmm...this should teach me patience. The funny thing that came from all this. We assumed that we were about four months along, she asked me questions and then she was all you are half way. I was so stunned, our estimated due date is Feb 10. I am five months, but I am not really showing. I have a semi bump, where you can tell I am a little bigger than usual, but it is not too obvious. Our baby will be here so soon. I hope we are ready. I know Dallas will be a great dad.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
We're pregnant!
I am still getting used to the fact that we are expecting a baby. Ever since I found out, I have been having dreams all the time. My dreams I am with my baby and it is a boy, and it is just a great experience. I can't wait to find out what the sex is, it would be awesome if it was a boy.
So, we've known since June. I was at Youth Conference and I came home and took about six tests. I couldn't really wrap my mind around it. Dallas was in the Bahamas and I was all alone. Not too fun, especially when I have to wait for him to call and I was dying keeping it to myself.
I was more scared of if I was ready, not if he would be upset. Since it was not planned, it was a surprise. I wondered if I would be the mom my baby deserved. Then I was happy, because I was blessed with this opportunity. Heavenly Father obviously has trust in us as parents.
Anyways, we are so excited and cannot wait to go to the doctor hopefully this week or the beginning of next week!
So, we've known since June. I was at Youth Conference and I came home and took about six tests. I couldn't really wrap my mind around it. Dallas was in the Bahamas and I was all alone. Not too fun, especially when I have to wait for him to call and I was dying keeping it to myself.
I was more scared of if I was ready, not if he would be upset. Since it was not planned, it was a surprise. I wondered if I would be the mom my baby deserved. Then I was happy, because I was blessed with this opportunity. Heavenly Father obviously has trust in us as parents.
Anyways, we are so excited and cannot wait to go to the doctor hopefully this week or the beginning of next week!
Mamma Mia!

I'm a huge fan of Mamma Mia and I got to see it! I loved it. I made Dallas, because he is a good sport to go with me for the opening weekend. Then I went with Jen, it was fun. It was so entertaining to see Dallas' expressions. Lol. He would keep repeating,"I'm the only guy in here, Brittany!" He did well though and a few more guys showed up.
Goodness, I have been a fan of ABBA forever. It was nice to see the movie, because I would love to see the play. Maybe one day....
Family and Anniversary!
My family came to Utah at the mid part of August and it was fun to see them. They stayed for about a week and we just basically hung out. It was also nice, because I got to see my aunts. I loved it! I had not seen them in forever! It was so fun just to catch up.

The fact that I'm pregnant really hit, because we went shopping for some clothes. It is amazing to think someone is inside of me, but I'm glad that it is going well.
On the 23rd of Aug. Dallas and I had been married for six months, where does the time go? It seems like yesterday we got married. However, it is weird, because it is hard to think of a time he was not in my life. Life is better with him by my side. I am blessed. He is a great husband.
Dallas also went on the hunt, the elk hunt he goes on every year. I missed him a lot. It was good to have him back. I'm glad that he could have fun with the boys though. :)

The fact that I'm pregnant really hit, because we went shopping for some clothes. It is amazing to think someone is inside of me, but I'm glad that it is going well.
On the 23rd of Aug. Dallas and I had been married for six months, where does the time go? It seems like yesterday we got married. However, it is weird, because it is hard to think of a time he was not in my life. Life is better with him by my side. I am blessed. He is a great husband.
Dallas also went on the hunt, the elk hunt he goes on every year. I missed him a lot. It was good to have him back. I'm glad that he could have fun with the boys though. :)
Dallas cut his hair!

Dallas came home one night and decided that he would like to cut his hair. It is funny, because when he wants something, he remembers everything! Lol. So, he reminded me that since he promised to grow his beautiful hair out for the wedding and that he kept it until then. goodness, he makes me laugh. Since he does get so hot, I said fine. It is his hair anyways. :)

Dallas teaches the 12-14 year olds in Sunday School and they always have something to say. Especially how he looks different every week. This time when he went, they were stunned. It was hilarious. They now call him JT. I just laugh. I like him this way, but I love his hair.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Dallas' Birthday!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Our engagement story

This is for those who have not heard the story, being biased I believe it to be the perfect moment.
First of all it was the day before my birthday and Dallas said he wanted to go show me the Manti temple, which I had never been to. I was really excited. At the time I had a learners permit and he allowed me to drive most of the way to the temple. He had bought me a cd I had wanted forever and we listened to it all the way there and back.
It was kind of cold that day, but when we got there we walked around the grounds. It was so beautiful. He was acting kind of weird, but he denied anything was on his mind. By the time we got around to the back of the temple, we sat down on the bench overlooking the field below.
He asked if I would like to have another present, so of course I said yes. He took out a dog collar, I immediately got excited, because I had told him I wanted a puppy.
"Oh, my goodness you got me a puppy," I said.
His face was priceless, as he responded," No, I didn't get you a dog."
I was so sad, because I believed he had got me a puppy. Confused I asked why he gave me a collar. He responded that it was for the future and asked what was on the collar. I had been so wrapped up in getting a puppy, that I had missed the ring on it.
That is when he took it off and he asked me if I would marry him, I didn't hesitate. I said yes. Even though I had always teased that I would say something like, "oh, I'm sorry. I did not mean to mislead you, but I'm afraid I have to say no." I was too happy though.
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